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Generhvervelse/generhverv af kørekort Randers

Der er 3 typer af generhvervelse/generhverv af kørekort:

Vi tilbyder desuden generhvervelse af kørekort til kategori B, i vores køreskole i Randers C.

Her fortælles der lige kort om de 3 typer generhverv/generhvervelse af kørekort, der findes.

Kontrollerende køreprøve i Randers

Gælder for dig der har fået en betinget eller ubetinget frakendelse af kørekortet. Du skal aflægge både en teoretisk prøve + en praktisk køreprøve. Begge prøver afholdes på Køreteknisk Anlæg i Randers.


Gælder for dig, der har haft dit kørekort i mindre end 3 år og har fået 2 klip, så har du fået inddraget dit kørekort og skal gennemføre “Særlig Køreundervisning” for at få det tilbage igen.


Gælder for dig der har fået en frakendelse af kørekort for spirituskørsel. Før du kan aflægge en kontrollerende køreprøve, skal du have gennemført et ANT-kursus.

Lovpakke til bil

For at få kørekort til personbil skal man gennemføre et antal lektioner. Disse er lovbestemt og et mindstekrav.

Worth knowing before you start

Below we have collected a few things you should know

In reality, you don’t need to do anything before you start, but there can be things that are an advantage to have in place when you start taking a driving license. You will also be informed of all this the first time you attend the driving school.
These things are :

  • Get a photo done for your driving license – we recomand by a photographer like Photocare
  • Get an appointment with your own doctor for a medical report
  • Book an appointment for a first aid course (only if you don’t already have one)

A photo must comply with certain requirements (just as a passport photo must), these include requirements of size 35 x 45 mm, no headgear and other requirements. If you need to know them, you can find information about this on the police website. I therefore recommend that you go to a photo shop that makes photos for passports and driving licences, so you get the right photo straight away.

Yes, you need a photo for your driver’s license

You must obtain the medical certificate from your own doctor. So what you need to do is call your doctor and make an appointment so that your doctor can fill out this medical certificate.

Yes, you need the medical certificate.

It must be attached to your application form when it is submitted to citizen services

Remember to bring a photo when you go to the doctor, some doctors still make a signature on the backside, if they dont, ask to get the photo in the envelope

We are in contact with a first aid instructor  who will make a first aid course in english for us . Requirements is all 6 on the team will  take part at the same course to make it profitable to make the course

Yes you need the first aid course if :

This is your first driving license. It is a legal requirement to have a 8 hours traffic-related first aid course.

You dont need first aid course if :

You have a tractor driving license.
If you already have on. Notice, it must be maximum 1 year old when it goes to the citizen service with the application form

Tag kørekort hos Nordbyens Køreskole

Nemt, hurtigt og fleksibelt

  • Tlf: 25 15 73 08

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